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Hitler was sure that if he invaded Poland, that France and England would not intervene. His reasoning was this:

1. He was sure that Poland's allies , France & England had no stomach for a war;

2. He knew that there was nothing the Allies could do to save Poland. There was no geographical way to save Poland from a major German onslaught; and

3. He knew that the Russian German Non Aggression Pact had a secret clause which allowed Russia to take one half of Poland once a war started. When the USSR took half of Poland, the West would see that there was no hope for Poland.

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Q: Why did Hitler believe England and France would not aid Poland if he invaded?
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France and Russia do not share a border.

Why was the purpose of the munich conference in 1938?

England and France created this to appease Hitler and avoid a war with Germany. It allowed Hitler to take over a small part of Czechoslovak. Which Hitler defied and took over all of Czechoslovak. This pact however did not work to avoid a war, because on September 1, 1939 Hitler invaded Poland and France and England immediately declared war on Germany.

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In September of 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. This did start World War Two, however, there are many facts that show that Hitler did not believe that France or England would go to war. For "insurance" he had just negotiated the Soviet-German Nonaggression Pact.

Why did Hitler believe that the French and British would not attack if Germany invaded Poland?

he thought Britain and France would want to avoid another world war

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If you mean Adolf Hitler, he never invaded England, he bombed it from the air, no German troops set foot on British soil

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When did Germany invade France?

Germany invaded France in May 10, 1940. On June 22, France surrendered and Germany captured Paris.

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Dunkirk. 338,000 Allied soldiers were rescued.

Who did Hitler invade the most?

France and England were his goals.