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Because it was the 'pure german' gene. The blonde hair blue eyes were being taken over by brunettes and brown eyes because it is more dominant than blonde and blue. They were losing the gene

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Q: Why did Hitler kill everyone that he didn't think were perfect?
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Hitler thought he was better than everyone else

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I think it's about everyone who feels bad about themselves.

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becuase hitler was a vary sneaky man and no one really noticed him...... i think

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nobody is perfect. he may be perfect for you as a person but we have different perspective for people so if you liked him very much or if you think he is perfect for you then it's your freedom to choose but he will never be perfect for everyone.

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It audopends if you are to crap at drawing or not well you can draw a drawing and you can take as long as yoiu like but when you think it is perfect, it is perfect!!! everyone has a different opinion of what perfect is!!!

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Chris Brown thought that because everybody does have a perfect partner and you will marry them and spend your rest of your life with them.

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Some girls are just mean! They think their better than everyone else because they think they have to look perfect to get respect.

Does Fire Lord Ozai represent Adolf Hitler in Avatar the Last Airbender?

I think there similar in a way, but I don't think Ozai and Hitler are exactly alike. Hitler tried to exterminate a bunch of Jews and other people and have like this perfect "German Race". Ozai just wants to control all of the nations and become rular of everything, I guess you can say he just wanted power. I think Hitler wanted to do the same and take over the world, so I guess Ozai and Hitler are alike when it comes to ruling everything, but they do have traits that are also different. Ozai didn't kill everyone off, but people were killed in the avatar series like Katara's mom for instance. So, they are similar but i don't think their the same.