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At the time Britain and France were fighting a set of huge worldwide wars known as the Napoleonic Wars and they had both imposed embargos on the other. It was very difficult for the US being very young and with British trade making up almost all of its exports (and yet France being a traditional ally) for the US to remain neutral. However it had to because it had no real standing army.

Anger was developing against the Royal Navy because with the large Navy at its command conditions were very poor in British ships and often sailors would hide as crew on American ships. The British tried to reserve the right to search American ships for stowaways but often mistook Americans for British sailors as there was no discernible difference in accent yet. However Napoleon had expected the Americans to be more supportive of him due to French help during The Revolutionary War. When the US showed it did not want to get too involved French policy, particularly naval, became more aggressive towards the US. So to defend his mercantile fleet from impressment and capture by the French (but also as a sign of defiance at the Europeans pushing the US around) he implemented an embargo. Unfortunately it did much more damage to the US than to the Europeans.

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Q: Why did Jefferson ask for an embargo against Britain and France?
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What did Jefferson do to pressure Britain and France prior to the Embargo Act?

He stopped trade between them. He tought Britain and France needed all their goods to trade. So he thought they were going to come back but they did now and eventually the Embargo Act Occured.

Why did Jefferson want congress to declare an embargo?

jefferson wanted to declare an embargo in order to keep America Neutral. jefferson wanted to stay out of the war between France a Britain, and by declaring an embargo he would not trade with either sides, this way he would not have to choose sides.

By placing a WHAT on trade Jefferson hoped to reduce tension between Britain. France. and the United States?

Embargo... I'm 100% sure!

What were the original intentions and actual results of Jefferson's embargo?

Jefferson instituted the embargo of 1807 in response to the impressment of American sailors by Britain. Outraged, Americans called for a war with Britain. The embargo was enacted as a chastisement of Britain and France to force them to respect American neutrality, cease impressment and end the attacks on American ships. The result, however, was an economic disaster for the United States, which resulted in great wins by the opposing Federalist party.

How did the Embargo act affect Britain and France?

The embargo act had very little effect on Britain and France.For more information on Embargo Act, visit more: embargo-act-of-1807

Which foreign policy decision was made by President Thomas Jefferson?

During the latter part of Jefferson's administration, the Napoleonic Wars were going on in Europe and both France and Britain interfered with US shipping sometimes egregiously. To solve the problem, Jefferson signed the Embargo act which stopped all European trade. The hope was that France and Britain would be pressured to offer concessions in order to restore trade, but it turned out that the Americans were the ones that most suffered from the embargo. At the very end of Jefferson last term, the embargo was lifted and replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act which weakened the restrictions on trade.

How did Jefferson try to stop France and Britain from seizing American ships?

He paid tribute to the Barbary States.

Who implemented an economic embargo in 1807 in an effort to avoid war?

The embargo of 1807 was a series of laws that were passed as Jefferson's effort to stop trade with England and France.

American merchants were what by the Embargo Act?

American merchants were hurt by the Embargo Act more than Britain and France.

What prohibited US trade with Great Britain and France?

The Embargo Act.

Why did president Jefferson place an embargo an foreign goods in 1807?

One reason was to protest the impressment of American seamen by the British, in the "Chesapeake-Leopard Affair" among others. Jefferson encouraged passage of the law to avoid US involvement with either Britain or France during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). Britain had already tried to block commerce by prohibiting trade with France. The Embargo Act was passed in 1807 but repealed in 1808.

Who did Thomas Jefferson side with France or Britain?

France for sure!