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This is in Matthew's Gospel, where Mary and Joseph fled from Bethlehem to Egypt with the baby Jesus. In the nativity account in Luke's Gospel, the young family returned from Bethlehem to Nazareth in Galilee when Jesus was only a few weeks old, and could therefore never have fled from Bethlehem to Egypt, as described in the other gospel.

In Matthew's Gospel, Bethlehem was the home town of Joseph and Mary, so there was no reason for them to hurry home to Nazareth, as they did in Luke. Wise men, or magi, came following a star from the east, to see and worship the baby who would be king of the Jews. They sought assistance from Herod who, fearing for his own tenure as king, sought to have Jesus killed. Being warned in a dream, Joseph took Mary and Jesus to Egypt to avoid having Jesus killed. Although Herod ordered all the baby boys under two years old to be slaughtered, this is unlikely to have happened just when Jesus was two years old, because a despot would have allowed a substantial margin in order to ensure the baby was certainly killed. In fact, it has been pointed out that the author of Matthew was writing Christian midrash, and that he was really drawing a parallel between Jesus and Moses. Just as the Old Testament says that the evil pharaoh had the baby boys under two years old slaughtered, so now the evil king also had the baby boys under two years old slaughtered. As far as historians can establish, King Herod never ordered all the baby boys to be killed.

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Q: Why did Jesus go to Egypt at age two?
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