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At that time John Brown was a Captain of a company of Militia of Kansas State, which belonged to those organized by the "freesoilers" in opposition to those organised by pro-southerners settlers.

When the village of Lawrence was put on fire, Brown was extremely indignant because he judged the reaction of freesoiler local government as too weak.

So he decided to react on his own initiative.

As he was reported that some freesoiler settlers, had been menaced and insulted by southerner pioneers, settled near the Pottawatomie Creek, Brown and his band sprang upon their house during the night, dragging and then killing five of them out of the house.

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Q: Why did John brown attack people at pottawatamie creek in Kansas?
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They used the act of radical abolitionist (a small band of people underthe leadership of john brown).They attacked a proslavery group at Pottawatamie Greek in 1856, killin five proslavery.

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Since we don't have the item from the article you read a general answer is the only thing that can be given. Bleeding Kansas comes from a newspaper headline about the John Brown attack in Lawrence Kansas.

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John Brown and his sons entered Lawrence, Kansas and killed people thinking they could stop the vote for slavery. They literally chopped people with hatchets and the newspapers had headlines of "Bleeding Kansas."

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John Brown and his sons were abolitionists and within Kansas a miniature "civil war" broke out among pro-slavery people and anti-slavery people. John Brown, originally from the East, was a strong believer, that at any cost, slavery could not exist in Kansas. Despite what seems to be overwhelming "evidence" John Brown and his sons were never arrested or prosecuted for the murders he committed in Kansas.

When did john browns raid at harpers ferry happen?

He started planning the midnight massacre in 1857 and led the actual attack in 1859. he didn't have very many people with him, 2 of the people were his sons who were killed with many others that helped. John Brown was hanged for what he did. when he attacked, he killed 5 people. He led the attack because of the Border Ruffians raiding the anti-slavery town of Lawrence,Kansas which is how "Bleeding Kansas" got its name.

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John Brown

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The Kansas Nebraska act allowed allowed for the area to vote for or against slavery. People flooded into the area including John Brown with his sons. Brown in Lawrence Kansas and murdered several people. He was an abolitionist and wanted to start something and keep people out that would vote for slavery.

Five proslavery settlers are killed?

At Pottawatomie Creek in 1856, John Brown and his anti-slavery forces killed five prop-slavery settlers in Kansas. This was in retaliation for the attack on Lawrence, Kansas, where the town was sacked and burned.