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Simply because both men lived and fought in revolutionary times and in the class struggle it became clear to both men that the working class had the best programme of all the contending classes. That is the workers state ends exploitation of the workers, and organic agricultural communes replace centers of exploitation and war such as prisons. Everyone works, poverty ends is a known truth in the organized trade union movement around the globe.

Planning and doing aggressive war is the supreme international crime on the planet earth, as it actuates all other crimes high, low, big and small. says the chair of the Nuremburg Trials U.S. Judge Jackson. He further says that it is the supreme international crime on earth whether Germany does it or the U.S.A. does it. F

The U.S. Constitution says that international treaties signed on to by the U.S.A are to be treated as the supreme laws of the land. In this sense the anti-fascist covenants which the U.S. is signed on to are being ignored and avoided and the international laws broken as well as the national laws of the U.S.A. Especially where it states that it is the law that if the American Government elected by the people no longer serves the needs of the peoples, (my add plants, animals air land and water) then it is the duty of the American people to alter (reform impeach) or abolish it (revolution) and replace it with one that does serve the needs of the people. This is amplified by Pres. Abraham Lincoln in his government for, by and of the people shall not perish from the earth speech at Gettysburg. Lincoln, Marx, and Engels were on letter exchanging basis before , during and after the war, except that a Southern Slaver killed Lincoln before the reconstruction could be fully done. Something both Marx and Engels were anxious to take part in planning, as Engels was a capitalist that exchaned capital for cotton for his textile mill in England. Marx and Engels was thoroughly opposed in every way to chattel slavery preferring a living wage policy of free labour.

Workers of all countries, unite, is the communist organizing practice globally, and it foreshadows the coming organic revolution that will replace capitalist pollution, gender discrimination, and aggressive war amongst nations. All signs point to the necessity for change as the systems of monopoly capitalism are well known for making maximum profits polluting the environment (coal, gas, oil and atomic energy) which is the reason the natives fought so hard and long against the European Conquest as they knew full well that air, land, and water must be kept in a non-polluted way for the good of all life.

Marx discovered the inner materialist laws of Historical and Herstorical materialism (William Morris taught there), and he centrally formed the basis of the First International of Working men. He was a remarkable genius, and both he and Engels used the new sciences brought into being by the new dialectics of the Industrial Revolution that dispelled the myths and false explanations of how the world must change and move for the new societies to improve living and working conditions. They explained that the new class brought into being by the capitalist fledgling society was creating a class of proletarians that sold their labour power to the capitalists, and that this class alone contained the knowledge to run the new society. That when the conditions of private ownership of the monopolies began to restrict the relations between the classes, that there would arise a condition in which the old relations no longer suited the new needs for liberation from all forms of exploitation, and that made them the most revolutionary of all classes on the planet and the class that would arise to power and overthow all encumbrances to the new socialist society, the workers state which instrument that would end exploitation of man by man and renew and restore the matriarchy which will return the material harmony and joy to the species that has been missing since the Roman Slaveholders conquest of it around 42AD and onwards. This act of the revolution will be the end of class rule and the liberation of all peoples. The new science of Ecology will also end exploitation of air, land, water, plants animals and peoples.

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