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Lincoln found he liked being a politician, because he could help a lot more people than he could as a farmer.

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Q: Why did Lincoln like being a lawyer and state congressman?
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What can be said about the qualifications of Abraham Lincoln to be the US President?

Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer who became a state legislator, then a Congressman before he became President.

What public office was Lincoln in?

President Lincoln held the public offices of: US President US Congressman from Illinois and State Congressman or State Assembly in Illinois.

What was Abraham Lincoln's occupation before he became president?

Before being elected to the office of President, Abraham Lincoln served in both the state and national House of Representatives. Prior to his career in politics, Lincoln had success in banking and commerce.

What accomplishments did Abraham Lincoln make?

During his many years as lawyer, his numerous terms as state congressman, his term as national congressman, and also as president, Abraham Lincoln managed to achieve many things. His greatest accomplishments must, however, include his preservation of the Union during the Civil War and his freeing of the slaves through the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.

What did Abraham Lincoln do before he became president?

Immediately before becoming President, Lincoln was working as Lawyer. He also served one term as a Illinois Representative, in the House of Representatives, as well as, 4 terms as a State Representative, in Illinois.

Which state was Abraham Lincoln elected from?


what state did Abraham Lincoln work as a lawyer before becoming president?


Why is Illinois known as The Land of Lincoln when it is not the state of his birth?

Lincoln's political career began in Illinois. He lived in Springfield from 1837 to 1861, serving as a state representative for 4 terms and a US Congressman for one term.

Whatr was Lincoln's occupation before he became?

a lawyer, state legislator, and a US House of Rep.

What was Millard Fillmore's position before president?

Vice president. He was never elected to the office of President.Millard Fillmore was a lawyer, a Congressman, and Comptroller of New York state.

What lawyer served his state and nation who's from Illinois?

The two lawyers who served their state and nation would be Abraham Lincoln & Barack Obama.

What was Lincoln's profession before he became a president?

A lawyer in Springfield, IL, state legislator, then US House of Rep.