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To show that violence is the key to end racism

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Q: Why did Malcolm X want to become apart of the civil rights movement?
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How was john brown apart of the civil rights movement?

He was.

Bill of rights become apart of the constitution?

yes it did.... it became a part of the constitution

Which people in American society were apart of the civil rights movement?

black people, white people, the president, basically all of america..

Was Alice Walker apart of any particular movement?

Yes, Alice Walker was a prominent figure in the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Feminist Movement. She is known for her activism for racial and gender equality, as well as her work in highlighting the experiences and struggles of African American women.

What does to secure these rights mean?

to be apart of the rights (from the decleration of independent)

How did Jo ann Robinson affect the civil rights movement?

Jo Ann Robinson affected the civil rights movement because she was sitting in the white section didn't do harm to any body but the bus driver was rude and took her off because she was breaking the law later then she was apart of the Montgomery's bus boycott for a day.

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What happens to the particles of solid turned into gas?

The particles spread apart, making the substance less dense. The particles also spread apart to fill more space. Also, the movement of said particles become more active.

What art movement was Greuze apart of?

The Enlightment/Tail end of the rococo movement.

Why did the civil rights movement begin to break apart?

The movement splintered due to a march being done. During that march Martin Luther King said what do we want and Stokely Charmiceal said Black Power, causing a different meaning to be protrayed. Also many times where whites helped to make advancements in civil rights it cause theyre death and whites to get even more upset that they are killed for blacks. so many people didnt want to be hated on and created all black organization only wanting their people that actually are discriminated against instead of "outsiders" that dont even get the hatred.

Zora hurst was apart of what movement?

Harlem Renaissance

What happened to the democracy movement in China?

Fell apart.