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Possibly because they used corn for almost everything which in conclusion made them think that made was also made from corn. Hope this helped!

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Q: Why did Mayas imagine than man was made from corn?
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How Are Corn Nuts Made?

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Does honey have more calories than oil?

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No, you certainly can't! Other than the fact that they are both made from corn, they aren't remotely alike.

Is there a difference between corn grits and cornmeal grits?

Grits are made from ground hominy, which is corn soaked in lye water until the outer hull puffs swollen, and is removed. Cornmeal is simply ground dried corn.

Why do we know more about the Aztecs than the olmecs or Mayas?

We know more about the Aztecs than the Olmecs and Mayas because the Aztec civilization flourished later in history, during the 14th to 16th centuries, coinciding with European exploration and documentation. The Olmecs and Mayas, on the other hand, were earlier civilizations, with the Olmecs dating back to around 1200 BCE and the Mayas reaching their peak between 250-900 CE, leaving less direct historical records for us to study.

How much was Cliff Burton worth in 1986?

More than you can imagine buddy. More than you can imagine.

Is there any difference between corn syrup and corn flour?

Yes, corn syrup is a sweet liquid - it's the same as glucose syrup. Whereas cornflour is a white powder (used for thickening sauces), and is not sweet in the same way that corn syrup is. Corn syrup is entirely sugar based (like molasses), whereas corn flour is a flour. Corn syrup and corn flour are not interchangable, (in the same way that you would not substitute honey for wheatflour).

Which country produces the most corn?

The US is the biggest producer of corn. To an almost excessive level. Our government actually subsidizes corn farmers to grow more than we need so we have a surplus of corn to trade. Corn actually can be made into a whole bunch of other things including many artificial flavorings and additives to food. High fructose corn syrup is a byproduct of corn and is generally cheaper than sugar to put in food. That's why it's everywhere. So to answer your question the U.S grows the most by far.