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The Pharoah of the Egypt was killing all the baby boys of the Hebrews because he was afraid of a Hebrew rebellion rising up. Moses' mother hid her son until he was about a toddler's age and then sent him off in the chance that he would live because she could no longer hide him.

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Wyatt Olson

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The Pharoah of the Egypt was killing all the baby boys of the Hebrews because he was afraid of a Hebrew rebellion rising up. Moses' mother hid her son until he was about a toddler's age and then sent him off in the chance that he would live because she could no longer hide him.

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Q: Why did Moses' mother float him in a basket?
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What type of basket was Moses floated downriver in?

Teyvat gomeh - Moses' mother fashioned a basket of bulrushes, which is a kind of reed growing in the river. She waterproofed it with mud and pitch. Nowhere does it state that the basket moved down the river. It may have remained in one spot, held by the reeds in the river.See also:More about Moses

How did moses mother make the floating basket?

The basket was made of weeds, and it was waterproofed.

How did Moses mother save him from being killed?

Moses mother made a basket and put it in the river Nile with the baby in it.

Who floated moses done the nile?

The mother of Moses put him in a basket, and out him in the river Nile.

What substance held baby Moses basket together?

The mother used Bitumen and pitch to make the basket waterproof.

What is the biblical name of moses's basket?

The basket that Moses was put into was referred to as an ARK.

Why did moses mother put him in a basket in a river?

She didn't want him killed by the king and he was found by someone and raised up

What is another name for a babys basket?

Moses basket.

How were Moses' mother's actions a blending of faith and careful planning?

Her actions were based on faith because Moses could not have survived by natural means in the basket in the Nile. Her actions showed careful planning because she coated the basket with waterproof pitch; and she placed the basket where the Nile had reeds: an area where the water was not flowing strongly.

What is the name of the place where moses was left in a basket?

The basket was in the river Nile.

How did moses' mother save him from being killed by the evil pharaoh?

Moses' mother saved him from the evil pharaoh by hiding him in a manger in the stable.

What is the purpose and best brand of moses baskets?

The moses basket is a simple padded linen basket. It is called this due to the fact it is what people believe moses was floated down the Nile in. Any brand would be a great choice for this kind of basket.