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cause he wanted to... is what many people think

the truth is that Mr Frank wanted to show the diary to many people because he felt that by showing tis to the world the people would have more or less an idea of what they were living.

another reason was that Mr Frank knew that anne wanted to be a author.

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Q: Why did Mr Frank share Anne's diary with the world?
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What is Asian poetry?

Asian art is the very broad category for art created in the eastern part of the world. Most often it includes the art of India, China, Japan, Korea, and the region of Southeast Asia. The art includes all mediums found in Western art.

What operating systems are commonly used on the internet?

All WebPages use HTML or Hypertext Markup Language which is the universal format that every web page is written. Web browsers read this code and convert it to a more user friendly format. The main web browsers are: Internet explorer with a market share of approximately 71% Firefox with a market share of approximately 21% Safari with a market share of approximately 3% Google chrome with a market share of 1% There are other web browsers such as Opera. The main search engine used is Google with allot of other search engines basing their own results off goggles own however I find Bing allot better. As for personal computer operating systems, windows has a market share of approximately 88%, Mac approximately 9% and Linux approximately 4% Windows has 7 released operating systems however the majority of the world uses the latest three: XP with a market share of approximately 25% Vista with a market share of approximately 8% 7 with a market share of approximately 39% Windows 7 is the latest release of the windows OS however windows 8 and Metro are expected to be released this year October 26 2012

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because they do not share their shark values of hating the jets (ie themselves). thus constructing the perfect scenery for pointless hate which is very predominant in our modern day world

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Linux is by far the most common operating system in the world. Note that I am including ALL computers, not just desktops and servers, since the question never specified. Once you add in all the cell phones, internet routers, GPS's, TV's, set top boxes, etc, I think you would find that Linux holds a majority market share of operating system deployments in the world.

What is the evidence of Shakespeare's rise to eminence in London's theater world?

1. Being satirized by the critic Greene in Greene's Groatsworth of Wit in 1592. 2. John Manningham wrote in his diary a dirty joke that was making the rounds in 1602 about Shakespeare and Burbage. 3. Francis Meres mentions him with other playwrights of note in his Palladis Tamia (1598) 4. Up to 1598 or so, all of Shakespeare's plays were published anonymously, but thereafter all had his name on the title page, indicating that it was more marketable if people knew it was Shakespeare.

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