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Thirteen epistles, or letters, are attributed to the Apostle Paul. Even the Epistle to the Hebrews was at one stage attributed to him, making this fourteen letters, but Hebrews is now almost universally recognised as entirely independent of Paul.

Of the thirteen epistles attributed to Paul, only seven, or possibly even five are considered by biblical scholars to be genuine, with the remainder called pseudo-Pauline epistles. The epistles that are considered genuine are Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Philemon, Galatians, Philippians and 1 Thessalonians. Based on a computer analysis of the epistles attributed to Paul, A.Q. Morton believes that Philippiansand 1 Thessalonians are not genuine. F C Baur's also rejected 1 Thessalonians as a genuine Pauline letter, largely because of an absence of any reference to Righteousness or Justification, considered by some to be the centre of Pauline theology.

On the other hand, there is internal evidence in 2 Corinthians that it may once have been three separate letters that were subsequently amalgamated into a single epistle for convenience to the Church.

Of course, Paul wrote to the Churches when he was unable to visit them personally or send emissaries. Of particualr note is that the core epistles, Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians and Romans all refer to a collection that Paul was seeking support for. Although Acts of the Apostles is at pains to state that the Great Famine of 44-48 CE occurred before the start of Paul's mission, this event is the most obvious reason for Paul to expend such considerable effort and political capital in order to arrange a one-off collection. Apart from Philemon, in which Paul spoke on behalf of a Christian slave, the collection is the one unifying theme of the genuine Pauline epistles.

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Q: Why did Paul write so many letters?
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Why did St. Paul write St Timothy so many letters?

Christian scholars refer to the letters to Timothy (and Titus) as the 'Pastorals' because they are concerned with pastoral issues that became important in the second century. They were not really written by Paul, nor were they written to Timothy, but were encyclicals to the Church at large, providing instruction for the overseers of congregations in the second century. By writing two epistles and attributing them to Paul, the author created a marvelous fiction in order to place a church manual of discipline from the mid-second century in the very beginning of the apostolic tradition.Their attribution to Paul is clearly fictional, for their language, style and thought are thoroughly un-Pauline. The 'personal' references to particular occasions in the lives of Timothy, Titus, and Paul do not fit with reconstructions of that history taken from the authentic letters of Paul.The letters were not included in Marcion's list of Paul's letters (ca 140 CE), nor do they appear in the earliest manuscript collection of Paul's letters (ca. 200 CE). The first quotations from the epistles appear in lrenaeus' Against Heresies, dated about 180 CE.

What is the purpose calculus?

it was invented by a greek alphabetition to keep track of his letters using simple maths, unfortunately he found when he made many letters, he lost track of how many he had, so he would write 2a+3b=13 as a simple method of remembering

How many ways can the letters in FACTOR be arranged so that the first and last letters are vowels?


What was Apostle Paul's calling in the Bible?

During Paul's time, there was no New Testament Bible. Paul was trained as a Jew so he would have studied the Law and the Prophets, or the Jewish scriptures. This is what Christians refer to as the Old Testament. Paul and the other apostles wrote Letters to churches. These letters were collected into the Bible based upon their acceptance by the church leaders. This is very general description but I hope it answers your question.

How many arrangements can be made with the letters spineless?

The word "spineless" has 9 letters, including 3 s's and 2 e's, so the number of distinct permutations of the letters is: 9!/(3!2!) = 30,240

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Why did St. Paul write St Timothy so many letters?

Christian scholars refer to the letters to Timothy (and Titus) as the 'Pastorals' because they are concerned with pastoral issues that became important in the second century. They were not really written by Paul, nor were they written to Timothy, but were encyclicals to the Church at large, providing instruction for the overseers of congregations in the second century. By writing two epistles and attributing them to Paul, the author created a marvelous fiction in order to place a church manual of discipline from the mid-second century in the very beginning of the apostolic tradition.Their attribution to Paul is clearly fictional, for their language, style and thought are thoroughly un-Pauline. The 'personal' references to particular occasions in the lives of Timothy, Titus, and Paul do not fit with reconstructions of that history taken from the authentic letters of Paul.The letters were not included in Marcion's list of Paul's letters (ca 140 CE), nor do they appear in the earliest manuscript collection of Paul's letters (ca. 200 CE). The first quotations from the epistles appear in lrenaeus' Against Heresies, dated about 180 CE.

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