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As far as I am concerned George Bush messed up our economy and has left Obama with a near impossible task. I have faith that he is doing the best he can with the horrible situation he has to clean up from Bush. So, give Obama time and ask again.


We were already on our way into a recession when Bush was elected so its not entirely Obama's (or Bush's) fault. That being said Obama hasn't been helping much.

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He didn't. It was 4 Decades of failed Liberal policies and failed Liberal / Progressive Leadership.

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Q: Why did President Obama mess up your economy?
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Because he wanted to and everytime a republican gets into office that's all you hear on the news when the President make his speech this country is now in a recession and George W. Bush and his brother who was Governor of Florida that is Jeb Bush stole the vote from Al Gore who was running for president and he would of been a great one. And right now President Obama is trying to clean up the mess the republican party left behind

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One answer:The only we way we will know is if Romney runs again and wins. He is much better at business issues than Obama, and would do better for the economy. Obama has ran up an astronomical debt, more than all previous presidents combined.another answer:The claim that President Obama has run up more debt than all other presidents combined is a myth and it has long since been debunked by fact-checkers (I enclose a link to one of them). But that said, many Republicans did in fact believe that Romney had a better business background than President Obama. However, the debt and economic problems in a global economy are much more complicated than ever before, and no matter who is in the White House, he (or she) would not magically be able to fix everything. Democrats would say Mr. Obama inherited a mess from President Bush and due to that and world events, plus Republican obstruction, the economy has not bounced back. Whether Mr. Romney could have done better remains to be seen, should he run for office at some future time.According to, the debt held by Americans rose to a record 89.3 per cent during Obama's first five years.When he took office, the debt was 10.6 trillion dollars. Today, it is 16.7 trillion dollars, an increase of 57%. And those are facts. President Bush labored with a democrat controlled congress for the second term of his tenure. It is time Obama owned this mess, and quit blaming Bush.

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How has President Obama affected you?

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What if Obama forced banks to drop everyone's mortgage interest rate by 1 percent How much capital would that free up for homeowners to spend in the economy?

President Obama is not going to do that - nor does he have the authority to - so the question is essentially moot.