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President Nixon wanted South Vietnamese Troops to take over combat duties from U.S Forces.

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To prepare South Vietnam to continue to protect itself after a peace treaty and withdrawal of coalition military support.

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Q: Why did President Richard Nixon call his approach the war Vietnamization?
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What was the date of the vietnamization?

The policy of Vietnamization was introduced by President Richard Nixon on November 3, 1969.

Which president adopted the policy of Vietnamization?

Richard M. Nixon

What was the name of the policy under president Richard Nixon to reduce the role of the US in the Vietnam war?


What did president Richard Nixon's Vietnamization Mean?

It was pulling the troops out of Vietnam because the war was pointless and unpopular.

What BEST describes President Richard Nixon's plan for Vietnamization?

Replacement of U.S. troops with south Vietnamese soldiers

What was president Richard Nixon's plan of vietnamization of the war?

Nixon's plan for Vietnamization was to slowly replace the American troops fighting in Vietnam with Vietnam troops. Slowly bringing the Americans out of the war and helping the Vietnamese people have control over the conflict.

The first step in President Nixon's program of Vietnamization was?

The first step in President Nixon's program of Vietnamization was the withdrawal of 25,000 servicemen. The Watergate Scandal rocked the Nixon administration and eventually led to his resignation.

Who was the president when the Watergate scandal was uncovered?

Richard M. Nixon was the President implictated in the Watergate Scandal.

Which president created the EPA and Signed laws that protect of the air water and engineered species?

Richard Nixon was president in December of 1970 when the EPA was created.

Who became president after president Richard Nixon died?

Richard Nixon died in 1994. Bill Clinton, who was president, remained president.

Does Richard Nixon have a statue?

No former President Richard Nixon does not have a statue. Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States.

Who had the nickname tricky dick?

Richard trickey dick Nixon one of our presidents President Richard M. Nixon Richard NixonThat's "Tricky Dick". It refers to President Richard Nixon.