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Rudolf diesel was a well-respected thermal engineer and social theorist. Diesel's inventions have three points in common: they relate to heat transfer by natural physical processes or laws; they involve markedly creative mechanical design. And they were initially motivated by the inventor's concept of sociological needs. In other words he saw a need and he invented an engine to meet that need.

Heavy oil engines - which became known as diesel engines - came into being purely as a result of restrictive licence laws for the retail, storage and transportation of petrol/gasolene fuels as such fuels were highly flammable and very combustable. Heavy oils, such as lamp oil /kerosene, were far less flammable so were not subjected to the same restrictive laws, thus enabling heavy oil fuel to be readily available and in good supply. The first such fuelled engines were invented by Herbert Akroyd Stuart in 1886.

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Q: Why did Rudolf Diesel make the diesel engine?
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What year did Rudolf Diesel make a diesel engine?


How did Rudolf diesel make the diesel engine?

he took parts and put it together

Can you make a diesel engine which works on the basic principle of petrol engine or you can say it uses diesel as a fuel but works on the principle of petrol engine?

No, a diesel is a compression firing engine and a petrol is a spark firing engine. Diesel fuel will not burn in a petrol engine with spark plugs.

Does cold diesel make your car go better?

No, never put diesel in a gasoline engine it will foul up the sparkplugs in your engine, clog it up, and make it smoke alot. Cold Diesel in a diesel engine isn't too good either because when diesel gets cold it gels up, that is why most diesel engines have a built in heater to warm up the engine and fuel before starting. Hope this helps

How many liters of diesel does a 1.7 engine hold?

The engine holds no diesel. The diesel is stored in the fuel tank. Without knowing what make and model car you are talking about it is impossible to provide an answer.

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How do you solve diesel engine power loss?

Re-build your diesel. Put on a custom chip and that will make up for engine power loss.

Does Ford make a 6.9l diesel engine for the F-250?

what is the question ford has 6.9 diesel before the 7.3 diesel, note the 6.9 is manufactured by international

Diesel Engine Specialists Help Make Cars Run?

A diesel engine is preferred by some over a gasoline engine because a diesel engine is much more efficient; a diesel engine burns about twenty-five percent less fuel than a gasoline engine and more of the fuel is actually converted to mechanical energy. Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine in 1892 after learning that gasoline-powered internal combustion engines were not very efficient. Diesel engines have continued to evolve over the years until today they stand poised to make a comeback, thanks to advances in diesel technology. The diesel engine has been used in semi-trailer trucks for decades, and in passenger cars starting in the 1980s. Diesel engines have become more and more common, and the demand for diesel engine specialists has consequently grown. Diesel service technicians and mechanics repair and maintain the diesel engines that power trucks, cars and other vehicles. The profession is changing rapidly due to the changing nature of diesel engines. For example, electronics and computer technology are now used in diesel engines to make the engine run more efficiently. Versatility is becoming a valued quality. Diesel engine specialists have to be well-versed with using computers to diagnose and monitor engine problems and qualities. One day the technician may be repairing an electronics system, the next they may be performing heavy engine maintenance, such as installing a new component part. Add to the above the increasing complexity of diesel engines and the fact that new emissions standards may require the installation of newer components on older systems and taking care of a diesel engine becomes a huge job. Diesel engine specialists stand a chance of finding a job at a higher-end shop if they have professional training from a technical or vocational school. The salary for a diesel engine specialist varies from thirty-four to fifty-thousand per year. Diesel engine specialists use a large variety of tools and usually work in lighted and ventilated areas. Some jobs require them to be on-site, which can place them on the shoulders of highways and in the garages of residential neighborhoods. Diesel engine specialists are expected to experience slightly raised demand as diesel engines increase in complexity and repair needs.

What year did vokeswagon make a diesel engine for their bugs or bettles?

1998 They never made a diesel for the Classic Bug.

Is the Chevy 6.2l vortec max engine gasoline or diesel?

The chevy 6.2 vortec max package is a gas engine, however Chevy did make a 6.2 diesel engine that was used for military vehicles. The diesel 6.2 is no longer available.

Can you put amsoil in 7.3 liter diesel engine?

You need to make sure that it's oil specifically for diesel engines.