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Steve Jobs was a late comer to the Macintosh project which was started in the late 1970s by Apple engineer Jef Raskin who was joined by a team of Apple employees. Jobs was working on the Lisa computer at the time. As the Macintosh idea grew Jobs took over the project and Raskin eventually left after conflicts with Jobs. The Macintosh adopted many ideas that Jobs brought from the Lisa and it eventually more resembled Jobs' ideas than Raskin's. The Lisa was too expensive for a mass market product so Jobs wanted to push the Macintosh design as an affordable computer using the then innovative mouse and a graphical user interface rather than a command-line interface.

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Q: Why did Steve Jobs build the first Macintosh?
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Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

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Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs

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Who created Macintosh?

The machintosh team and Steve jobs