

Why did Virginia move west?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It was the Western counties of Western Virginia that broke away from Virginia and re-joined the United States. they moved because it was a place that the british didnt poop.

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Can a 17 year old legally move out in West Virginia?

In West Virginia, not until they are 18 years of age. Until then the parents determine where you live.

How old do you have to be to move out in the state of West Virginia?

Without parental consent, 18.

Can a 17 move out of parents house in West Virginia?

Seventeen is not the same age as eighteen. Until you are an adult, West Virginia law says the parents are responsible for the minor and where they live.

How old do you have to be to move out of parents home in west Virginia?

Without parental consent you have to be 18.

What direction is West Virginia than Virginia?

West Virginia is North-West of Virgina. They are adjoining states; West Virginia was once part of Virginia.

Which state is father west-Virginia or West Virginia?

West Virginia

What is West Virginia's anthem?

West Virginia has three different state songs. They are "The West Virginia Hills," "West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home," and "This is My West Virginia."

What are now the states of Virginia and West Virginia?

The states of Virginia and West Virginia are still that: the separate states of Virginia and West Virginia.

Can you move out at 17 years old in West Virginia?

The state's legal age of majority is 18.

This state is east of west virgina?

virginia. think about it... west virginia is called west virginia because it's west of virginia. :/