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Q: Why did Wilson not want to punish Germany for what the did in World War 1?
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Did the leaders want to punish Germany after World War 1?

The people that were left wanted to punish Germany

Why would France and Britain want to punish Germany?

The wish was not to punish but to get reparation and require Germany to pay for damage and loss of life.

Who wanted to punish Germany for ww1?

France wanted to punish Germany the hardest. Britain didnt want to punish them bad they wanted germany to have a quick recover because they're a trading countrie. Hope that helps, One love Representing Triple Bezz 3B'z J.K sWeeTfEeT

Not bad considering you were sitting between Jesus Christ and napoleon?

Leave off the question mark and change the "you" to "I" and you have a quote from David Lloyd George after the Versailles Peace Treaty, when he mentions Jesus Christ he is referring to Woodrow Wilson who didn't want to punish Germany for their actions and Napoleon he is referring to Georges Clemenceau who wanted to punish Germany to the greatest extent for WW1.

Which nations actions caused the US to fight in world war 1?

Germany. Germany caused Americans to be raged, and want President Woodrow Wilson to take action in the war, but he kept neutrality for a while, but then entered the war.

Why did Woodrow Wilson not want to enter into World War I?

13unluck: Woodrow Wilson tried to avoid entering the war but Britain and Theodore Roosevelt had pressured him to do so. After intercepting a message from Germany which invited Mexico to join Germany and wage war on the United States, Wilson pushed America to enter the war. _______________________________________________________________ German Uboat attacks killed U.S. citizens.

What did each leader hope to achieve at the Versailles Peace conference?

clemenceau wanted to cripple germany because of all they had done to france in the past. wilson wanted to create peace within europe and establish a league of nations. lloyd-george wanted to punish germany to please the british public, but didn't want to cripple them because he still wanted the british trade with germany to continue and didn't want germany to seek revenge and start another war.

How did Woodrow Wilson want to treat Germany and the rest of the Central Powers?

To be fair and considerable

How did the us help the allies in World War I?

In World War I, USA helped Britain in the war however they joined in the war 1917 and didn't involve a lot that was part of the reason why they didn't want to punish Germany after World War I. They helped by supplying troops and armies.

Who wanted fair treatment for Germany after World War I?

Woodrow Wilson, who was President at the time, wanted fair treatment for Germany after World War 1. His reasoning was that he didn't want Germany to start a war in retaliation. However the attempts were failed as World War II was started by the Germans some 20 years later.

What did Britain want at the Paris peace conference?

he wanted justice but he didnt want to punish germany too harshly he felt that this may cause wars further into the future. he want to expand the british empire, maintain british control of the seas and increase britains trade. he wanted a halfway point between clemencaeu and wilson.

What is a sentence for the word punish?

We will punish those responsible.Why must you punish me?