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Q: Why did acting companies need patron?
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What was granted by king James to allow shakespeares acting company to put on plays anywhere?

A charter. He himself was the patron of the company. All acting companies at the time had to have a noble patron by law. This was to prevent vagabonds and conmen from pretending to be acting companies.

Why did shakespeare change the two acting companies name after Queen Elizabeth died?

Shakespeare had nothing to do with the name of the acting company he co-founded. The name was given by the company's patron or sponsor. When the patron changed, so did the name of the company.

Which saint is the patron saint of acting?

There are no patron saints of acting. However, there are patron saints of actors and actresses:GenesiusVitusPelagia the Penitent

What did elizabeth give acting companies permission to do?

She had a law passed whereby companies of actors would not be prosecuted as vagrants if they could show that they were employed by some noble person. What made this work was not only the desire of the acting companies to have such a noble patron, but also the desire of the nobility to be patrons of the arts by employing them. Being the patron of an acting company was a status symbol, so there were a number of willing patrons if you wanted to start up a company of actors.

Why was William Shakespeares acting company renamed?

They got a new patron. Originally their patron was Henry Carey, the Lord Chamberlain. After Queen Elizabeth's death in 1603, their patron was the King, James I. All Elizabethan theatre companies were the name of the patron and then "Men"; when the patron changed, the name changed.

Is there a patron saint of acting?

There are no patron saints of acting. However, there are patron saints of actors and actresses: •Genesius •Vitus •Pelagia the Penitent

Who is the patron saint of acting?

There are no patron saints of acting. However, there are patron saints of actors and actresses: •Genesius •Vitus •Pelagia the Penitent

Who supported the theatre companies Elizabethan England?

The two sources of revenue that supported the acting companies were the noble patrons who gave their names to the companies (Lord Chamberlain's Men, Lord Admiral's Men, the King's Men) and the admission paid by the audience. The patron provided the company with legal protection against charges of vagrancy and other . misdemeanors. The acting companies were nominally household servants of the lord whose purpose was to entertain their patron and his guests at Christmas and other holidays. The equivalent today might be corporations whose names adorn on sports stadiums and theater buildings.

Who placed Shakespeare's theater under protection?

If when you say "Shakespeare's Theatre" you are thinking of a building, then the answer is nobody, but in any case there never was a building known as "Shakespeare's Theatre". Theatre buildings were not "placed under protection". If you mean by "Shakespeare's Theatre", Shakespeare's Acting Company (and confusing these is like thinking the words "team" and "stadium" mean the same thing), they did have patrons, as all legitimate acting companies were required by law to have. All acting companies had to have a noble patron or they were considered to be vagabonds and vagrants. The patron lent his or her name to the company in order to allow it to comply with the law. In a sense this is like placing it under protection. The patrons of the acting company Shakespeare belonged to (he was not the leader of it or its most famous member at the time) had The Lord Chamberlain as its patron up to 1603 and afterwards King James I was their patron.

How were the names of William Shakespeare's two acting companies chosen?

Just to make it clear, Shakespeare was associated with only one acting company for almost all of his career. It was the only company he was actually a partner in. But it did have two names. The reason for this is that the names for acting companies in Shakespeare's day were never chosen by anyone. It's not like nowadays where if you start an acting company you can call it anything you want. In those days the name of your company was the name of your patron. Period. If you changed patron, or if the patron changed his name or his job, your company's name would change, and you had nothing to say about it. If a group of actors in Shakespeare's day tried to say "We're the Happy Day Players", they would get a visit from the police who would say "Happy Day Players, eh? That means you have no patron" and throw them all in jail.

What did James1 do with Lord Chamberlain's Acting Company?

He became their patron.

Who was the second patron of Shakespeare's acting company?

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