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He was second of kin to her.

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Q: Why did boaz have the right to marry Ruth?
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How does Boaz resolve the property conflict in order to marry Ruth?

the guy who was suppose to marry Ruth was too old and so he told boaz to marry ruth

Why does boaz admire Ruth?

As she was a widow and young and beautiful to look at he wanted to marry Ruth.

Why did Ruth marry Isaac?

Ruth married Boaz. Rebecca married Isaac.Ruth was born around 800 years after Isaac.See:Jewish timeline

How was Boaz Naomi's relative?

Boaz was Naomi's relative through her deceased husband's family. He was a kinsman-redeemer who had the right to marry Ruth, Naomi's daughter-in-law, and redeem the family property.

Who did Naomi marry in the Book of Ruth?

The Bible doesn't mention that at all.

Did Ruth commit a sinful act with boaz by sleeping at his feet?

No she did not sin, as she was a widow she could marry him.

What must Boaz do to redeem the land and marry Ruth?

To redeem the land and marry Ruth, Boaz needs to follow the custom of levirate marriage by purchasing the land from a relative and marrying Ruth to continue the family line. This process involves publicly declaring his intention in front of witnesses and finalizing the transaction according to the laws of the time.

Who are the main character in book of Ruth?

The main characters in the Book of Ruth are Ruth, Naomi, Boaz, and Obed. Ruth is a Moabite woman who becomes a widow and follows her mother-in-law, Naomi, back to Bethlehem. There, she meets Boaz, a wealthy landowner, and they eventually marry and have a son named Obed.

Did Ruth and Boaz have more children after Obed?

Obed is the only son of Ruth and Boaz, it is in Ruth chapter4.

What tribe does David rule over?

Fom the line of Ruth and Boaz.

Did Ruth love Boaz?

It is not the Hollywood love model ... There is a commandment which says that you have to marry , your brother's widow if he did not had sons , and so did Boaz ... Ruth and Naomi went trough hard times and poverty , Ruth followed Naomi back to Israel and she converted to Judaism , then Boaz was to do his duty and marry her. Those fact/stories/principles are not on the level of love as described today .... The answer is yes and you cannot get to such details by reading the bible in eng. only the Hebrew has the "below" surface meanings in the writings.

What is the rising action in the book of Ruth?

The rising action in the book of Ruth includes Ruth's decision to stay with Naomi, Ruth's gleaning in Boaz's field, Naomi's plan for Ruth to approach Boaz, and the development of Ruth and Boaz's relationship. These events set the stage for the climax of the story.