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so they can have more taxes and it's good to have bigger country right?

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Q: Why did china colonize Vietnam thousand of years ago?
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Who ruled Vietnam for over thousands of years?

China dominated Vietnam for a thousand years in what is called the Pre-Dynastic era. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on Vietnam. Note that all content on that article may not be accessed from Vietnam or China. Which nation was not occupied by the United States? Brazil

What country controlled Vietnam for 1000 years?


What is brief history of China?

China's history over two thousand years. And then a short is long

What is china's national tree?

ginko and its 160 thousand years old

Who introduced rice cultivation to Vietnam?

China ruled Vietnam centuries ago (some sources say over 2,000 years ago), it's probable that Vietnam's agriculture may have been influenced by China.

How long have people been farming rice in China?

Seven Thousand Years

Who controlled Vietnam for more than a thousand years beginning in 200 BC?

The Chinese

Did the chinese rule Vietnam?

Yes, the Chinese ruled Vietnam for 1,000 years until 939 AD, China was defeated by Vietnam and had lost control over Vietnam. Vietnamese soldiers and civilians in Vietnam were ruled by chinese soldiers and then finally the vietnamese soldiers fought back against the chinese soldiers and China lost the significant battle against Vietnam.

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italians for 60 years, Brits for 10 years and etiopians for 30 years

Which country is stronger Vietnam or China?

Vietnam is very skilled at ambushing and attacking. This will guaranteed that Vietnam is stronger than China because Vietnam's military soldiers have AK-47's and better Su-27 aircraft and other planes. China has never won a war against Vietnam before, therefor Vietnam will win the war against China. Vietnam is a very poor small country but is still very strong. Vietnam has defeated Mongolia before. Mongolia is not stronger than Vietnam because Vietnam has a better army. Vietnam defeated Mongolia thousands of years ago however Mongolia has never beat Vietnam before. but Mongolia will still never win a war against Vietnam. Vietnam is stronger.

How did Nixon administration change US policy toward China?

Since China was dirt poor in the 70s so Nixon made an agreement with China. If US troops withdraw from Vietnam war, China will not support the USSR. Thus American troops withdraw from Vietnam, causing the communist in Vietnam achieve victory. But in 15 years later without China's help, the USSR collapse. That's why you see China was never in the Warsaw Pact.

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Absolutely. We will colonize the rings inside five years.