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they attempted to spread so that they can take over Vietnam

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Q: Why did communist attempt to spread during the Vietnam war?
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What was the Vietnam war over?

The USA was trying to stop the spread of Communism in southeast Asia.

Why did the US feel that they needed to pay south during the Vietnam war?

The goal of the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism. As such, the US felt the need to stop the influence of communist North Vietnam, which entailed supporting South Vietnam in any way possible.

What are the objectives of NAM?

The objectives of going to war in Vietnam were to defeat the Communist Vietcong army and prevent the spread of Communism to Vietnam.

What caused the American involvement in Vietnam?

Most people accept the spread of communism as the prime cause of the Vietnam War, a battle of the cold war.

Who were the Viet Cong?

Viet Congs: North communist Vietnamese supporters of the communist Front in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War (known in Vietnam as the American War). The Viet Congs fought against both the government/military of South Vietnam and the armed forces of the United States between 1959 and 1975. They were initially a loose grouping of guerrilla fighters. Quick Note: South Vietnam/South Vietnamese didn't want the communist takeover from communist North Vietnam, they wanted to be a democratic country. U.S. entered the war to stop the spread of communism and support the democratic South Vietnam.

Why did America want to protect the southern Vietnam from the communist northern vietnamese?

That is what the cold war was all about; containing communism (without having a nuclear war). We didn't want communism to spread. The communist's wanted to expand. Communist North Vietnam wanted to conquer South Vietnam...that's expansion; we couldn't allow that! So we fought a war about it.

Did the policy of containment help stop the spread of communism?

obviously not, because all the countries we fought in during the Cold War are still communist: Vietnam Cambodia Laos N. Korea China Cuba

How did the Vietnam War change consequences?

It didn't change consequences; the consequences were always the same: stop communist aggression or let them spread.

What were the reasons of the US entering the Vietnam War?

The reason was to prevent the expansion of Communism into Southeast Asia. The US called it the "dominoe theory."

What were the reasons given for fighting between the United States and Vietnam?

Vietnam: Why we fought: to stop communist aggression (domino theory), agreed to help French fight North Vietnam because we needed help with the soviet union What we wanted: stop spread of communism in Asia and Europe What we got: nothing

Why the US fought in Vietnam war?

To prevent the spread of communism as a proxy war to the ongoing Cold War with the USSR.

What were the causes of the US Vietnam war?

Vietnam was part of the COLD WAR. It was fought to stop the spread of communism.