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NO Sitting bull have been in many wars im guessing about 5 i dont know one is the battle of little big horn thats wat i know and there is a nother when the white settlers took over there land but sitting bull and his people fought and fought and they won and got there land back. FYI if you play im jacklee106 :D

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The mounties and crowfoot were friends. the mounties driven off the whisky traders and jailed the american wolfers who had killed crowfoot's people.

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What did Sitting Bull learn as he was growing up?

how to fight with the british , the british had a war with the native Americans .sitting bull is a native American how to fight with the british , the british had a war with the native Americans .sitting bull is a native American

How did Sitting Bull help in war?

i don't know you tell me!

How old was Sitting Bull at his first war party?

He was ten.

Who was the civil war veteran that was defeated by sitting bull and Crazy Horse?

The veteran general who was defeated by Sitting Bull was General George Armstrong Cluster.

What was Sitting Bull job?

Sitting Bull was a spiritual leader of the Hunkpapa tribe of the Lakota Sioux Nation. He was not a true war chief, as were Crazy Horse, Gall, Low Dog, and others.

Who led the Sioux in war after the federal government allowed miners in Sioux reservation?

The Sioux nation had many battles and confrontations with the United States government. After mining was allowed on Sioux land, Sitting Bull led the people to war in protest.

What were sitting bull's achievements?

siting bull was chief of his tribe who was a warrior and was good at hiding and overthrowing the us military. still bull refrused to go by whiteman law. sitting bll had respect from the usa army. sitting bull led his people to safe spots and also escaped to canada to protect his tribe. sitting bull surrendered into to allow is tribe a better future for all generations. sitting bull was never scared and thus chewed his own shin to relrease himself from the chains on hi s rist, so he could escapte. there was no way sitting bull would be left do die in prison.

Who were Crazy Horse Geronimo and Sitting BullWho were Crazy Horse Geronimo and Sitting Bull?

Geronimo was an Apache war chief. Crazy Horse was a war chief of the Oglala Sioux, or Lakota. Sitting Bull was a chief and shaman of the Hunkpapa Lakota tribe.

What were the 5 Indian wars combined in northwest Indian war?

Geronimo, crazy horse, sitting bull, cochise, red cloud

Was sitting bull the leader of the Sioux Indians?

Sitting bull was a spiritual leader of the Hunk Papa Lakota Sioux. The Lakota had several leaders and war chiefs, Gall, Crazy Horse, Low Dog, Crow King, Black Moon, Rain In The Face, Runs The Enemy, among others. Sitting Bull was a visionary, and his second sight made him respected among the Lakota. A fine warrior in his day, he was, nonetheless, not considered a chief.

What did sitting bull do to change his name?

From his father he was named, Tȟatȟaŋka Iyotȟaŋka, translated as "Sitting Bull". Lakota language for. "described an intractable buffalo bull, sitting on its haunches, resolute in the face of danger."

What is the value of an old west collectors series sitting bull?

price for OldWest Collectors Series post card Gall Sioux War chief