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Q: Why did fringe states in Europe become nations first?
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What nations have been to the moon?

united states of America and Europe

How did the goals of the US ans Soviet foreign policy differ after World War?

The Soviet Union wanted control of eastern Europe. The United States wanted independent nations in eastern Europe

Which nations did the soviet union force to become satilite nations?

In Eastern Europe, he Soviet Union made satellite Nations of those countries ordering it. Satellite Nations are dependent upon a stronger power. Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and East Germany became communist.

Why didn't the United Stated participate in the League of Nations?

The United States did not participate in the League of Nations because it was not willing to get involved in Europe's wars.

What caused the growth of powerfull nations in Europe?

the developement of nation states in western europe that helped expand trade and interest in overseas exploration.

Why were there uprisings in spain portugal and the italian states in the 1800s?

Revolts occurred along the southern fringe of Europe. In Spain, Portugal, and various states in the Italian peninsula, rebels struggled to gain constitutional governments.

What is the historical significance of the Napoleonic code?

The Napoleonic Code influenced the law systems of many other nations around Europe and the United States.

Did japan industrialize before European nations and the US?

No, Japan was behind the United States & Europe in its efforts to industrialize.

What countries are banned from joining the United Nations?

There are no countries banned from joining the United Nations. The countries that have not become member states have not done so because of threats from countries that are member states of what will happen should they declare their candidacy to become a member state.

How do you find out when nations became nations?

Look up each individual nation. Try something like " When did the United States become a full nation?"

What choice did the states have after the war?

Following the war, United States and nations of Western Europe formed the collective security arrangement NATO as a way of stopping the spread of communism.

Demographic transition is a condition that?

Occurred in Europe and the United States in the 19th century. Is happening today in most developing nations.