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Q: Why did garvey make cole eat all of the contents in the brown paper bag?
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Why does Garvey call Cole a ''champ'' and ''chump'' in chapter three in Touching Spirit Bear?

Garvey called Cole that because Cole made him mad

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Who escorts cole to the detention center?

Garvey and his mom.

Why did Edwin tell cole that he and garvey are proud of him in chapter25?

Edwin tells Cole that he and Garvey are proud of him in Chapter 25 because Cole has shown growth, maturity, and a willingness to change. They are pleased with his progress in taking responsibility for his actions and focusing on his rehabilitation. This acknowledgment from Edwin and Garvey serves to encourage and motivate Cole to continue on his positive path.

What did Cole do when Garvey and Edwin drove away in their boat?

Cole grabbed the closest rock and threw it.

Who does cole argue with at the circle of justice in Touching Spirit bear?

Cole argues with Edwin and Garvey at the Circle of Justice in the novel Touching Spirit Bear. Edwin and Garvey are Cole's probation officer and Circle Keeper, and they are part of the restorative justice program that Cole is in.

At the circle garvey says cole has will and courage but what does he also have?

Garvey also acknowledges that Cole has anger and pain within him, which fuel his actions and behavior. He believes that with guidance and support, Cole can learn to channel his emotions in a more positive way.

Who gave cole in touching spirit bear the at oow?


Who gave cole the atoow in touching spirit bear?

Garvey did

When was Garvey angry in Touching Spirit Bear?

Garvey was angry when Cole revealed that he had burned down the shelter they had built together. He was also frustrated with Cole's behavior and lack of remorse for his actions.

Why do you think Garvey agreed to be Cole's sponsor in the circle justice in touching spirit bear?

Garvey agrees to be Cole's sponsor in the circle justice process because he believes in giving Cole a second chance to change and heal. He sees the potential for growth and transformation in Cole and wants to support him in his journey towards healing and redemption. Additionally, Garvey recognizes that everyone deserves a chance to make amends and learn from their mistakes.