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Veracruz is on the Gulf of Mexico coast, while Mexico City is deep within Mexico's mainland. The easiest way to capture the capital and win the war, was through Veracruz, following on Hernan Cortes' steps to Mexico City.

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Q: Why did general Scott attacked veracruz before Mexico city?
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Why did Scott sttsck Veracruz before Mexico city?

Mexico City is inland, in the middle of Mexico. To reach it, there were several proposed routes but the easiest was entering from Veracruz, which is a port city.

What is the driving distance from Mexico City to Xalapa Veracruz?

If there's not too much traffic leaving Mexico City or entering Xalapa, and if there isn't any fog for the 50 km before Xalapa it can be done in (without speeding) about 4.5 hours.

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It was the city of Veracruz, which was held under siege by American forces from March 9 to March 29, 1847.

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Conquering the country's capital through the shortest path. He laid siege to the coastal city of Veracruz, then passed through the city of Puebla, which stood against then Mexican President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and surrendered without fighting. He then fought against Mexican forces on the outskirts of Mexico City, defeating the last pockets of resistance before ultimately defeating Santa Anna's forces.

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The oldest and still populated city in Mexico - and possibly of the Western Hemisphere - would be Cholula, some 100 kilometers (62 miles) west of Mexico City. It was founded circa 1200 B.C. If you mean 'founded by Spaniards', that would be Veracruz, founded by Hernan Cortes in April 22, 1519.

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Only one of the 4 Hurricane Karls made landfall, Hurricane Karl in 2011. Hurricane Karl rapidly intensified in the Bay of Campheche before making landfall on Veracruz, Mexico as a category 3 hurricane.

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No, zombies have never attacked the US before. They are fictitious characters that exist only in movies.

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India. My family is from there, and I don't kmow why they haven't attacked anyone before. Best regards on finding the answer to that!

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