

Why did he invent he hot comb?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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because he seen how nappey a person hair could be

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Q: Why did he invent he hot comb?
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yes.she did

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What did Walter Sammons invent?

Actually Walter Sammons created the hot comb!

When did Walter sammons invent the hot comb?

December 21, 1920

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swiss people did not invent the electric comb it was not any of the people in swiss they did invent watches and clocks.

Is it better to flat iron or hot comb?

hot comb try if it doesn't work call me

Why did he invent the press comb?

Because it was for the people who had nappy hair

How did madam cj walker invent the hot comb?

Madam C. J. Walker did NOT invent the hot comb, the straightening comb or the chemical perm. This myth is often repeated, but it is not true. The hot comb was being used as early as the 1880s in Europe and America and was sold in Bloomingdales and Sears catalogues in 1890 16 years before Madam Walker developed her line of hair care products. Madam Walker was an entrepreneur, a pioneer of the modern hair care industry, a philanthropist and political activist. For more information, please visit

Can you hot comb weave?

It is very possible to hot comb weave but only if you have weave that is of a higher grade. If it isn't you could end up frying off pieces and end up with inches left in the hot comb.

Where was the hot comb invented?

in your house

What did madame cj walker invent?

Madam C.J. Walker did not invent the hot comb, as some people do believe. She invent a scalp treatment, that would allow hair to grow back, no matter how damaged it was. Also till this day her products are still sold over the country.

What is a hot comb?

The hot comb originated in France as a hairdressing and styling tool that allowed women with coarse curly hair to achieve fine, straight hair, and became increasingly popular in the 19th century when the French used heated irons and curling techniques to completely transform customers' hair. In the process of using and processing the hot comb took many forms, until today we can clearly see that the hot comb is a metal comb that can be used to straighten thicker and harder hair to get a smooth texture, heat the hot comb and straighten it from the roots, you can get a perfectly straight hairstyle!