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Q: Why did he kill mainly Jews not Americans or Nazis or his own religion?
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People persecuted by the Nazis because of their religion?

the answer to the people who were persecuted by the Nazis because of their religion is the JEWS no need to thank me <3 =)

What religion ethnicity did German Nazis send to death camps?


Did the Jews beat the Nazis in World War 2?

No. The Jews were saved and liberated from the concentration camps after the British, the Americans and the USSR defeated the Nazis and their allies.

What did Hitler practice against the Jewish religion?

Genocide. However, what bothered the Nazis about the Jews were race, not religion.

How did the conflict between the Jews and the Nazis begin and why?

There was no conflict, no war between the Jews and the Germans. If anything, many Jews were inclined to be pro-German. There was a completely unprovoked onslaught by the Nazis against the Jews, mainly because the Nazis regarded Jews as Communists - and Nazism saw the eradication of Communism at its key 'mission'.

Where did the Jew's get murdered?

the Jews were killed at death camps mainly in Poland and Germany by the Nazis

Why did the Americans free Jews from concentration camps?

Why? Because the Jews were starving, and almost dead. When Americans found concentration camps, most were abandoned by Nazis.

Did Hitler force Jews to become Christians?

No. Nazi hatred of the Jews was based on race and not religion. Additionally, the Nazis would find anyone who was even 1/4 Jewish by blood and persecute them, even if they were devout Catholics or Protestants. ______________ The Nazis saw the Jews as a race, not a religion. The Holocaust wasn't a matter of religion.

Did the Nazi exile people because of religion?

There seems to be a lot of confusion about this. The Nazis persecuted the Jews on grounds of race, not religion. In some cases, for example Jehovah's Witnesses, people's religion brought them into conflict with the Nazis.

How did Hitler and his Nazi party lash out against the Jews?

Nazis hated the religion of Judaism.

Why did the Nazis hate Judaism?

I think you'll find that it was the Jews (that is people) that the Nazis hated and that they had very little knowledge of Judaism (the religion).

Who are victims of the Nazis Persecution?

Homosexuals, Jews mainly, mentily disabled, POW (Prisoners of War),