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n the periode 1825 - 1850 almost all Norwegians arriving in America landet in ... The yearafter some 50-60 individuals represented the "first party of ... did not succeed in developing their colony shaming the Chief Emigration Agent's ... number of farmers would leaveeconomic deprived areas in the Midwest for a ...

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Q: Why did many Norwegians leave for America after 1850?
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What are some hardships that happened in America around the year 1850?

There are many different hardships that happened in America around the year 1850. Some troubles that were faced were cholera, constant fighting with Native Americans and lack of proper housing to protect Americans from the weather.

Why are norwegians so rude?

I am not so sure that Norwegians are actually rude. Some people might seem a little bit gruff but that does not mean they are trying to be rude to you. We all can be a little terse at times. I have known many Norwegians and lived for a time in Norway. I have never found Norwegians to be rude, they are a splendid, friendly people.

Are Norwegians European?

Yes. Norway is a country in Europe. It is not a member of the organisation known as the European Union, as many countries aren't, but it is still in Europe, so Norwegians are European.

Do Norwegians blow out candle at Christmas eve?

On christmas eve (24. Dec), norwegians have their meal. Normally "ribbe" and "pinnekjøtt", and some are also eating turkey, "lutefisk" and "rakfisk". Differently from for examle USA and England, norwegians opens their christmas gifts this night, not the morning the twentyfifth. Many also visits the church.

How many years were there between 393 AD and 1850?

1850-393= 1457

How many days are in year 1850?

There were 365 days in 1850.

How many acres is 1850 square meters?

1850 square meters is about 0.457 acres.

How do you say dear Miss in norwegian?

The correct translate is "Kjære frøken", but not many Norwegians use this phrase.

How many states are there in 1850?


How many slaves were there in 1850?


Were Norwegians living in England interned in World War 2?

The Europeans and the Norwegians were not "interned" in camps as you are wondering. There were places for the refugees but many lived in cities and towns. They worked in the war effort too. Some worked as spies for the Brits and Americans.