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Because Colonists felt they could make more money if they were free to sell to foreign markets themselves.

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Q: Why did many colonist resent the navigation acts?
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The navigation acts were part of what british policy?

The Navigation Act caused many conflicts in the American colonies which led to the repeal of the Acts in 1849.

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The Dominion of New England is one of the many

How did England try control trade with its colonies?

Passing several Navigation Acts

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One method the Colonists used to protest the Townshend Acts was boycotting British goods. There were riots as well. These acts began in 1767.

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Many people made valuable contributions toward navigation

How did the navigation acts lead to American revolution?

Since the navigation acts only allowed the American colonists to trade with their mother country, ( and based on the idea that the mother country should be more powerful than their colony ) Eangland could raise their prices on the furnished goods that they exported onto the colonies as high as they wanted, and the colonies would have to buy it anyways, this made the colonies angry, and this as well as many other acts and events lead to the revolt against Great Britan.