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because, to Chinese people, merchants are just basically hobos.

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Q: Why did merchants have such low status in the Chinese social system?
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India is well-known for its caste system, a social stratification based on inherited status. The caste system in India determines a person's social status from birth and can influence various aspects of their life, such as occupation and marriage.

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The caste system is a hierarchical social structure in South Asia in which individuals are born into a specific caste that determines their social status, occupation, and opportunities in life. It is traditionally divided into four main castes: Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaishyas (merchants and traders), and Shudras (laborers and servants). Below these four castes are the Dalits (formerly known as Untouchables) who are considered to be outside the caste system and face significant discrimination.

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What was the Mesopotamian social system?

The Mesopotamian social system is I believe the social pyramid. It's when they categorized Mesopotamian life by putting them in Upper Class, Middle Class, and Lower Class.the social system is kings, priest ,craftsman merchants and salesmen, farmers, slaves ( we learned this yesterday for s.s )

Why is the caste system a fixed social class system?

The caste system is considered a fixed social class system because it is a hereditary system where individuals are born into a particular caste and their social status is predetermined based on their caste. Movement between castes is traditionally not allowed, resulting in fixed social stratification.

What is the name of the Indian system of strict social classes called?

The Indian system of strict social classes is called the caste system. It divides people into different social groups based on birth, occupation, and social status.

What is difference between open system and close system of social stratification?

An open system of social stratification allows for social mobility and the potential for individuals to move between social classes. In contrast, a closed system of social stratification rigidly maintains boundaries between social classes, making it difficult or impossible for individuals to change their social status.

How is social stratification achieved through caste system?

In a caste system, social stratification is achieved through the hereditary division of people into distinct social groups based on birth. Each caste is assigned a particular social status, occupation, and level of social interactions, resulting in a rigid social hierarchy where movement between castes is limited. This system perpetuates inequality and reinforces social divisions, leading to the maintenance of stratification over generations.

What was the Indian social structure called?

The Indian social structure was called the caste system, which divided society into hierarchical groups based on occupation and ancestry. This system determined a person's social status and opportunities in life, with limited mobility between castes.

What system is known for the social stratification that dominates Hindu India?

The caste system in Hindu India is known for the social stratification that divides people into distinct hierarchical groups based on birth, occupation, and social status. This system places individuals into specific castes, determining their opportunities and social interactions.