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Q: Why did most early explorers go to the west?
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Why did most of early explorers and mountain men choose to go west?

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why did most of the early explorers and mountain men choose to go West?

Most explorers and immigrants came from Europe, and landed on the East coast, many settled there. But for some, the draw from the west encouraged many to strike out towards what they hoped, was a new life, free land, tales of untold riches (gold, beaver fur, etc.) as talked about in the saloons and immigrant encampments.

How did the early explorers know were to go?

Basicly by compuses and star charts.

Why did the early explorers go to Canada?

to find a short route to china and India but by accident they landed in Canada no doi

Why did explorers initially go west?

Through recorded history there have been "explorers". Within the last 400 plus years, European explorers kept moving west in the Western Hemisphere because they continued to find more unexplored lands until they finally reached the western coasts of North and South America.

Where do most illegal immigrants go?

to the mid west and the north west

Why was the voyage to the New World necessary?

Most explorers were not looking for a new world. They were looking for spices. Most of the explorers wanted to go to india, which is where the spices were. This is why when Christopher Columbus found America he called the people indians. He thought that he was in India

Were is the most fun place to go to in Florida?

Key west is the most fun place to go to

Can you go past the master rank in explorers of time?

No, Master Rank is the highest in Explorers of Time. Explorers of Sky has some higher ones.

What river did the inland explorers go down?

the inland explorers went down the Mississippi river

What do you do in explorers of darkness?

Go to and go under Video Games and click on Mystery Dungoen- Explorers of Time & Darkness. It will tell you all about it.

How did technogical advances help early explorers?

Technological advances helped early explorers by providing them with improved navigation tools such as maps, compasses, and astrolabes. In addition, advances in shipbuilding allowed for the creation of stronger, more seaworthy vessels that could withstand long ocean voyages. These innovations enabled explorers to venture further and more accurately chart their journeys.