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Freed African Americans would take some of their jobs, the workers were socially higher than slaves, and disruption of the Union.

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Q: Why did northern factory workers oppose the abolitionists before the US Civil War?
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What slave became the greatest and most famous of the abolitionists before the US Civil War?

Ankit Avlani

What is an cottage industry?

Cottage industry was a system of manufacturing which was very common before the Industrial Revolution in the early 19th century. In this system of production, goods would be made in the homes of the workers rather than in a factory setting.

Who were famous abolitionists before the Civil War?

They were Jeffery Sirdick and John Jizzeretti. They were Italian ministers who migrated here in 1805 to get religous freedom.

Why did the north want to keep slaves?

The Northern states, for the most part had outlawed slaves. Some states abolished slavery even before the US Constitution was ratified. There was a segment of people in the North that directly and indirectly benefited from the slavery in the South. Northern owned textile mills needed cheap cotton, and slaves working on Southern cotton plantations provided cheap labor and thus kept the cost of cotton lower than if free and paid farmhands worked in the cotton fields. Some Northern people, in fact many by today's standards were racists. If slavery was abolished then some former slaves might migrate to the North. Not only did racist people oppose that, but in certain labor unions they believed that any new free Black workers would drive down the pay rates of factory workers.

Who innovators built the first factory in America in 1791?

The first factory in America was built in 1790, by Samuel Slater, a cotton spinner's apprentice who left England the year before with the secrets of textile machinery, he built the factory from memory to produce spindles of yarn.

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What were the working conditions for most factory workers before organized labor?

terrible unhealthy and dangerous

What was the Occupation of soldiers before the civil war?

Soldiers were ordinary citizens. They were farmers, factory workers, dock laborers, town employees, fishermen, carpenters, or unemployed.

What were persons against slavery in the US called?

Before and during the US Civil War, people opposed to slavery were called abolitionists. Most Americans in the North did not favor slavery, however, they were not activists in opposing it. Later, during the war, many Union soldiers saw the plight of slaves they met in military campaigns in the South and became more agreeable with the Northern abolitionists.

What has the author Frederick B Mott written?

Frederick B. Mott has written: 'Before the crisis' -- subject- s -: Fiction, Brown, John, in fiction, Abolitionists, Abolitionists in fiction

Why were abolitionists so hated by the North?

Generally speaking abolitionists meant people in favor of abolishing slavery in the United States and in any territories owned by the US. In the Northern US States, the average citizen, may have been against slavery, however, they did not see it as a main issue, ( before the US Civil War ).There was no widespread hatred of abolitionists in the North. In the Southern States where most of the slaves lived, Southerners saw slavery as a way of life. It could be said that for the most part they had a strong disdain for people against slavery.As an aside, however, even abolitionists did not consider slaves to be equal to Whites.

What are the three phases of northern industrialization?

Factories~mass produced products that were/are in demand. Transportation~faster ways to travel great distances.Communication~a way for people to communicate to each other over a great distance. :) good luck

What slave became the greatest and most famous of the abolitionists before the US Civil War?

Ankit Avlani

What kinds of organizations did skilled factory workers form to improve working improve working conditions?

Factory workers (and just about any other kind of worker you can think of) join unions to improve working conditions. By standing together as part of a union workers can have power to bargain for better working conditions, pay, and benefits. Alone a worker is just begging, he has little choice; he can accept the poor conditions, he can quit (sometimes the employer will try to find a reason to get rid of the employee, before he can try to organize other workers against the company,which is illegal), or he can try to form a union.

Who were abolitionist and what did they hope to achieve?

abolitionists were basically Unionists who wanted to abolish slavery before and during the Civil War.

What is a real-life analogy for rough endoplasmic reticulum?

A real-life analogy for rough endoplasmic reticulum is a factory production line where specialized workers (ribosomes) assemble and modify products (proteins) before sending them off to their designated locations within the factory (cell).

Why is factory wastes neutralised before disposing it into the water bodies?

neutralization of factory waste

How did industrialization help shape the United States city?

Before, there were to large factories, or the associated nearby towns full of poor people who worked at them. As rich factory owners got richer, workers got poorer, and the ghettos were born.