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They thought it was wrong and hated to see them get whipped on plantations

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Q: Why did northerners fight to end slavery?
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How did northerners and southerners differ in their opposition to abolition?

The southerners wanted slavery to end but northerners didn't want that

What marked the end of slavery in the US?

The Emancipation Proclamation effectively gave the war a new meaning, or confirmed one that was already there, that after the Confederacy was defeated slavery would end in the United States. The 13th Amendment ended slavery.

What did the northerners do to prove they wanted slavery to end?

well, for one thing, they fought in the civil war.

How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ?

Northern View Of Slavery- A vocal minority of northerners were abolitionists or people who wanted to end slavery. They believed that slavery was morally wrongs. Abolitionists favored a gradual end while others demanded that all slavery was outlawed at once. Not all northerners wanted to end slavery Southern Views Of Slavery Many southerns belied that god intend that black people should provide the labor for white "civilized" society

How did northerners and southerners view slavery?

Some northerners believed slavery was morally wrong. Southerners believed slavery was an essential part of their lives.

What effect did john brown's raid and execution?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery.

What effect did john Browns execution have on the north?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery. :)

What did the Abolitionists fight for?

The fought to end slavery

How did northerners feel about slavery after the Revolutionary War?

Northerners were completely against slavery, and before the Civil War they took their hatred overboard by killing Southerners for their slavery.

Did southerners and northerners agree on slavery?


What effect did John Brown's raid the execution have in the north?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery. - Novanet

What effect did John Brown’s raid and execution have in north?

Some northerners came to admire him for trying to end slavery. - Novanet