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It's because people there usually worked in factories and industries so they didn't need slaves to work for them.While the people in the south had farms and needed slaves to do the labor.

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6mo ago

Northerners believed that the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was unfair because they opposed the institution of slavery and saw it as a violation of basic human rights. They felt that the law required them to participate in the enforcement and return of escaped slaves, even if they did not agree with slavery or believe in its legality. Additionally, the act denied alleged fugitive slaves the right to a trial by jury, which was seen as a violation of the principles of due process.

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What was the North's response to the Fugitive Slave Act?

This website tell nothing but what people think please go to a different website.

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Don't know where, sorry. In the North in the U.S. (see a Civil War map) and in 1850 (i think)

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What is the name of the act to help runaway slaves called?

I think you are confused. The act was not to help slaves, but allowed catching slaves. It was called the Fugitive Slave Act. It gave men the freedom to go find run away slaves.