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because he didnt teach them how to choose one upon his death?

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Q: Why did panic sweep through the Muslim community after Muhammad' s death?
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Yes. After Muhammad's death, Muslim scholars drew up the Shariah (or Sharia), a law code that provides believers with a set of practical laws to regulate their daily lives.

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No, because Islam was founded after the death of Christ.

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Abu Bakr was the first Khalifah (leader) after Muhammad

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by the time of his death in 632 muhammad had undifed much of the arabian pensula under islam

Who believes caliph should be elected from Muslim community?

The four Caliphs who ruled after prophet Muhammad death came to power through election. The election system was that the group of Muslim leaders (who are recognized with their sincerity and devotion to Islam and Muslims) select one and then the people agree on him by what is called "Mobai'a". If accepted by the majority, then he be the Caliph and all Muslims, who agreed and who didn't, will be supporting him.

What religion do Muslim follow?

They follow the religion of Islam per God revelation of Qur'an to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (Jibril) in year 610 AD through year 632 AD (date of prophet Muhammad death).

What happened to the muslim community after muhammads death?

Muhammad sied and the civilazied people had a huge party then mr king sergio and Muhammad went to muhammads death cave that's as well where he got killed

How did muhammad go from a few to a 1000 followers?

In Muslim scripture, it says that Mohammed killed his way through North Africa, including Fez, Morocco where Mohammed killed innocent people, people were afraid of him and followed him to avoid death.