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they feared that when the stock marketcrashed their money that had been invested by the the banks in the Stock Market would also disappear as a result of the stock market crash in October 29 1929 also known as black Tuesday.

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Q: Why did people began to run to the bank to get their savings during the great depression?
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In what ways did the Great Depression affect peoples outlook?

Living during the great depression had a major affect on the mentality many people. A good portion of people who lived during that time do not trust banks. This is likely the result of the many widespread bank failures in the 30s that caused people to lose their life savings. Life during the great depression also lead to a more conservative mentality as people learned to buy only what they needed and save the rest, just in case.

Who was the president in power during the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover was President when the Great Depression began. Franklin Roosevelt was President when the Depression ended.

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No, Poe died in 1849. The Great Depression began in 1929.

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During the Great Depression, unemployment in the United States reached 25 percent. In some countries it reached 33 percent. The depression began in 1930.

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What major events happen during Herbert Hoover's term?

The stock market crash (1929) that began the Great Depression.

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Hitler began to have a significant following after 1929, with the start of the Depression.

When did the Great Depression began?

its began in 1929 and ended about in 1939

What happened in the 1930?

The first few years of the 1930's were during the Great Depression.

What bis the nickname for the day that began the Great Depression?

The day that began the Great Depression has been called Black Friday.

Who was Alabama's Governor during the Great Depression?

Bibb Graves was governor when the Great Depression began in 1929. Then Benjamin Meek Miller was governor of Alabama from 1931-1935 during the Great Depression. After his administration, David Bibb Graves took over from 1935-1939. Frank M. Dixon was governor when the Depression ended in 1941/1942.

Were they successful in pulling the US out of economic downturn during the great depression?

The relief programs undoubtedly gave people temporary economic help. Reforms in banking and controls on the stock markets helped prevent future depressions. However, the depression did not really end until the War effort began.