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Q: Why did people in the US ration goods during World War 1?
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During world war 2 the federal government reacted to shortages of various goods by?

Rationing. People had to get ration books for supplies to prevent hoarding.

Why were ration coupons used?

Ration coupons were used to ensure there was an even as possible distribution of the limited goods during (primarily) times of war, and also so that there would be enough of said goods to maintain the war effort.

What does gross profit ration tell you about a company's performance during the Year?

The gross profit ration tells you a lot about a company's performance during the year. You are able to tell the amount of goods that have been sold and when you less the profits you will get the net profit.

Were World War 2 ration books distributed to children?

Ration books were issued by the US government to allow everyone to have the same chance to get goods as everyone else. There is no exact number on how many ration books were issued but over 8000 ration offices were opened to control the rationing.

How did ration stamp work?

A ration stamp or ration card is a stamp or card issued by a government to allow the holder to obtain food or other commodities that are in short supply during wartime or in other emergency situations. Ration stamps were widely used during World War II by both sides after hostilities caused interruption to the normal supply of goods. They were also used after the end of the War while the economies of the belligerents gradually returned to normal.

Why were consumer goods rationed during the war?

They had to ration them, there was not enough goods. If they had not rationed it then businesses would have driven up prices. And to make it fair to everyone and prevent cost rises they rationed them.The rest of the goods were needed for the war.because there wasn't much!Because the military had first choice.

Without having to ration consumer goods anymore business converted from what to what?

war materials to consumer goods

In Anne Frank what do annexers use ration cards for?

In Anne Frank's annex, the inhabitants used ration cards to purchase limited quantities of food and supplies during World War II when resources were scarce and heavily regulated by the government. Rationing was a system put in place to ensure fair distribution of goods and prevent hoarding.

Can someone explain ration stamps for me?

Ration stamps were used to even distribute goods that were in limited supply. Each person in a household was issued a ration book. In addition to paying for the items, the proper ration stamps had to be given to the shopkeepers to get certain things.

What do you call the transfer of goods and ideas between the old world and the New World during the 1500s?

what do they call the transfer of goods,foods and ideas between the old world and the new world during the 1500s

What was rationed that was worth 16 points?

During World War 2, imported goods that included tinned items were rationed in Britain, and these were worth 16 points in your ration book. This was for a four week period. The items could be tinned fish and dried fruits.

Why were goods more expensive on black market?

because its hard to get when there is a war because they need to use the recorsise ****************************************************** During war-time rationing, any goods bought on the black market could be sold at a higher price. Otherwise, you could not get the goods by using your ration book, and had to do without.