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Pope Gregory VII excommunicated Emperor Henry because of a disagreement on who had the right to appoint church officials. This all started because Gregory issued a decree saying that bishops will no longer be chosen by anyone other than the church. A revolution then rose because Pope Gregory told Henry's vassals that they no longer needed to support or follow him. With no one following him he was forced to apologize however when he attempted to apologize Pope Gregory left Henry standing out in the snow for 3 days. He finally agreed to see him and things returned to normal for a while. Until Henry gained enough support and was strong enough in power that he defied the pope and was again excommunicated however this time he set up a anti-pope and went to Rome where he beseiged Gregory. After 3 years Henry received the crown from his own Pope. Gregory then fled to Salereno where he died. He never removed Henry's ban from the church though. When Henry died it wasnt until 5 years later that the ban was removed and his bones were moved to consecrated ground.

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Q: Why did pope Gregory vll and emporer Henry lv vome into conflict?
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