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Q: Why did popular soveignty lead to fighting in kansas?
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Why did the kansas nebraska act lead to fighting?

Well chigly buns fu#ked a narwhal

What nickname did the fighting in kansas lead to?

Prior to Kansas joining the Union, the Kansas Territory was a hotbed of violence and chaos between anti-slavery and pro-slavery settlers. Kansas was known as Bleeding Kansas as these forces collided over the issue of slavery in the United States. The term "Bleeding Kansas" was coined by Republican Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune.

What did the Kansas-Nebraska act lead to?

bleeding kansas, two governments in kansas

What did the Kansas- Nebraska Act lead to?

bleeding Kansas, two governments in kansas

What were the steps that lead to bloodshed in kansas?

The violence in Kansas, known as "Bleeding Kansas," resulted from clashes between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces over the issue of whether Kansas would enter the Union as a free or slave state. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which allowed popular sovereignty to determine the state's status, led to a flood of settlers on both sides, resulting in violent conflicts and bloodshed. This period marked a precursor to the larger tensions that would eventually lead to the American Civil War.

Why did popular sovereignty in fact lead to Bleeding Kansas instead of settling the issue of slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska territory?

Popular sovereignty allowed each territory to decide on the issue of slavery through a popular vote. This led to intense and violent conflicts like Bleeding Kansas because pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers flooded the territory to sway the vote in their favor, resulting in armed confrontations and confusion. The inability to peacefully settle the issue in Kansas-Nebraska demonstrated the limitations and flaws of popular sovereignty as a solution to the slavery debate.

Are Lead and Zinc the most important industrial heavy metals mined in Kansas?

Lead and zinc were both mined in Kansas but that stopped after 1970. Check out the Kansas Historical Society's web page.

Who lead the anti forces in kansas?

john brown

What can fighting lead to?

More dog banning.

What effect did the Kansas act of 1854 have on the conflict over slavery?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 led to widespread violence in the Kansas Territory between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers, known as "Bleeding Kansas." The act allowed the settlers to decide through popular sovereignty whether Kansas would allow slavery, intensifying the sectional conflict over slavery in the lead-up to the Civil War.

How did fighting on the frontier lead to war with Britain?

Fighting in the frontier was the exact cause that lead to war with Britain. These two groups just could not agree.

Did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to civil war?

of course it did