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Q: Why did president Lincoln favor a generous policy toward the south after the end of the civil war?
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Why did president Lincoln favore a generous policy toward the south?

US President Lincoln made it clear in his second inaugural address that he believed both sides of the war shared the blame for tragedy caused by the war. His early ideas concerning reunited the Union when the war was over was to be fair and generous. Unlike the Radical Republicans who sought revenge against the South.

Which statement best describes President Lincoln's policy toward the South after the Civil War?

"Let 'em up easy"

Postwar policy of leniency toward the south?

President Abraham Lincoln advocated for a policy of leniency toward the South because he believed it was vital to quickly heal the country's wounds. The war was fought from 1861 to 1865.

How did Lincoln take a generous approach toward the south?

He wanted to unify the nation and create lasting peace.

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The president adopted a policy of containment toward Soviet expansion and the spread of communism

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the domino theory

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Continuing to pursue detente

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Describes Abraham Lincoln's policy toward slavery at the time of his first inauguration?

He claimed that slavery would be protected in states where it already existed.

What describes Abraham Lincoln's policy toward slavery at the time of his first inauguration?

He claimed that slavery would be protected in states where it already existed.

Which president instituted the good neighbor policy of international relations?

President Hoover introduced the "Good Neighbor Policy" and President Franklin Roosevelt later built upon it as part of his New Deal

What was Abraham Lincoln's motto?

President Lincoln proclaimed his motto "with malice toward none, with charity for all" in his second inaugural address. He was also known to evoke the mantra of "Union, Union, Union".