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Prohibition turned out to be a disaster because liquor began to be distributed illegally. This was around in the "roaring twenties" which was a wild time due to prohibition. The alcohol market also cost money to the economy, as well as jobs in distilleries.

My Veiw:A noted researcher stated that Prohibition adversely effected Alcoholism rates for three generations following abolition.

So a pressure group convinced the countries law makers that recreational use of Alcohol was evil and costing society to much. Thus they conviced the lawmakers to enact prohibition.

As with so much in life if you make something notable and a sin it becomes exciting to do.

This creates a situation where an underground supply begins.

Al Capone and other violent and evil gangsters got their funding from procuring and selling Booze.

This also creates a situation where the glamorous people can be evil persons in the illegal trade.

This further raises the profile of these gangsters.

Finally it was realised that more people were drinking recreationaly than before prohibition and the law was abolished.

Since the idea that drinking was sinful was firmly in the minds of the populace every party had to feature an excess of liquor.

Children of these people do as they see their parents do.

According to the expert I saw on TV it was three full generations before the numbers of Alcoholics fell to pre-prohibition levels.

Now watch an episode of the TV show "Weeds" and see if you see a correlation.

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