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The Enhanced Fujita Scale takes a more detailed look at tornado damage, making it easier to come up with an accurate rating than in the original scale which was more arbitrary.

In addition, scientists believe the wind estimates in the old scale to have been inaccurate, especially for F4 and F5 tornadoes, so they adjusted those values.

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Q: Why did scientists change the Fujita Scale?
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Do scientists use the Fujita scale for hurricanes or tornadoes?

The Fujita scale is used to rate tornadoes. Hurricanes are rated on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

Who made the EF scale?

The Enhanced Fujita scale or EF scale was created by a team of NOAA scientists. It is a heavily modified adaptation of the Fujita or F scale, created by Dr. Tetsuya Fujita in 1971.

Who made the EF tornado scale?

The Enhanced Fujita scale or EF scale was created by a team of NOAA scientists. It is a heavily modified adaptation of the Fujita or F scale, created by Dr. Tetsuya Fujita in 1971.

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scientists use fajita scale to measure hurricane intensity

Do Scientists use the Fujita to measure hurricane intensity?

No. The Fujita scale is used to rate the intensity of tornadoes. Hurricanes are rated on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

Do scientists use the Fujita scale to measure hurricane intensity?

The Fujita scale is only for tornado intensity. Meteorologists use a different wind scale for hurricanes called the Saffir-Simpson scale.

Who developed the tornado rating scale?

The Fujita (F) scale was originally developed by Dr. Tetsuya Fujita at the University of Chicago. The current scale, the Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale was developed by a large group of engineers and scientists working at Texas Tech University.

What year did Theodore fujita develop the fujita scale?

Theodore Fujita develop the fujita scale in 1971

What scale do the us have for tornadoes?

the fujita scale coverted into Enhanced fujita scale

Why is the tornado scale called the Fujita scale?

The Fujita scale is named after the scientist who invented it: Dr. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita.

When was the fujita scale created?

The Fujita Scale was created in 1971 by Dr. Tetsuya "Ted" Fujita.

What is the Fujita scale used for?

The Fujita scale is used to classify tornadoes.