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Q: Why did slave codes become more strict overtime?
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Ask us of the following was a response to events such as attacks on whites by members of maroon colonies the Stono Rebellion and the New York Slave Rebellion?

The passage of strict slave codes

Why did codes become more strict over time?

The growing fear of active slave resistance- APEX

Strict rules governing the behavior and punishment of enslaved Africans were called?

slave codes!!

Why did slaves codes become more strict over time?

the growing fear of active slave resistance

What was the effect of turner rebellion on slaves?

It made slave codes strict

Why did colonial authorities write slave codes?

They feared the slaves would revolt again, so the authorities wrote slave codes. (definition) SLAVE CODES: Strict laws that restricted the rights and activities of slaves.

What Northern Colony had a strict slave codes that were similar to the south?

By 1698 Carolina had the strictest slave code in North America

Attacks by members of maroon colonies the Stono Rebellion and the New York Slave Rebellion all most likely resulted in a growing demand for what?

The passage of strict slave codes.The passage of strict slave codes

Why did the colonies write the slave code?

They feared the slaves would revolt again, so the authorities wrote slave codes. (definition) SLAVE CODES: Strict laws that restricted the rights and activities of slaves.

What did the south do to prevent slave rebellions?

The South implemented strict slave codes laws that limited the freedom and movement of slaves. They also used harsh punishments and surveillance to deter rebellious activities among the enslaved population. Additionally, slave patrols were established to monitor and suppress any potential uprisings.

What was true about the slave codes?

They become more rigid as fear of slave resistance grew.-Apex

Why did colonial lawmakers create strict slave codes in the late 1600s?

Colonial lawmakers created strict slave codes in the late 1600s to control and oppress enslaved African people, restrict their movement and activities, prevent rebellion, and protect the economic interests of plantation owners. These codes aimed to maintain the institution of slavery and reinforce racial hierarchies in colonial society.