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Well, I don't think men cooked and cleaned and fed babies and changed stinky diapers as well, so that's probably why.

In my mind, there is another reason why a man would want a women who is not allowed to say no. (no matter how wrong the motive is)

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Q: Why did slave masters want female slaves?
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well first of all they d'ont have proper rights (well the servants do but the slaves d'ont) and there masters d'ont treat them the way they should. And slaves that used too work on plantations in there masters house are just like servants because they do anything there masters want. Hope this helps!!!!

Why did slave owners want slaves?

Slave owners wanted slaves because they were able to make money or profits by the work performed by the slave.

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they faced some very harsh things. They had to have sex without condoms and they were forced to have babies that they didnt want. there were no tampons so slave masters would use other slaves mouths for a tampon.

Were female slaves rapped?

Yes. But if you are the master you would not consider this rape. You are just telling your slave you want sex. Slaves cannot say no. (it was rape as far as the slaves are concerned as well as my Lord and God. Jesus Christ)

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What are some reasons a slave might want to stay with their masters?

Institutionalisation. Security.

Why did slave owners not want to give up slaves?

Because to them, slaves were cheap, efficient labor.

What is slave breaker?

Slave breaker refers to an individual who was responsible for breaking the will of enslaved individuals through physical or psychological means in order to compel submission to their owners. It was a common practice during the time of slavery in various parts of the world, where enslaved people were subjected to brutal treatment to ensure compliance with the demands of their masters.

Do slaves belong in the world?

Now what do you think? Would you want a slave? Yea you might want one but imagine what its like to be that slave.

Why would slaves in the Confederacy stay at their masters homes during the Civil War even though the masters were gone to war?

Them asters didn't want their slaves to have a gun. If they did then you know what they would do. They would go after their masters. That's why!