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Q: Why did souther slave owners fear northern attitudes towards slavery?
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How did the northern and southern attitudes towards slavery differ?

the northern and southern states differed in their attitudes toward slavery because the northern states were against slavery while the southern states were all for slavery, in fact they had slaves. The northern and southern states disagreed about it so much that it caused a war, known as the civil war.

Why did southern slave owners fear northern attitudes towards slavery?

The loss of slavery would threaten the Southern economy.

What publication had a direct effect on the attitudes of northerners toward slavery?

One publication that had a significant impact on northern attitudes towards slavery was Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin." It depicted the horrors of slavery and helped galvanize anti-slavery sentiment in the North leading up to the Civil War.

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What did the dred Scott decision reveal about southern attitudes towards slavery?

They believed that since slaves were their property that they could have property wherever they pleased :]

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(Apex) Study ancient Roman culture to learn more about Roman attitudes toward violence and slavery.

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The attitudes towards shell shock were..............................................................................................................................................................................................not good

What was the difference between Africa and European attitudes toward slaves?

African attitudes towards slavery were more diverse, with variations across different regions and cultures. Slavery in Africa was often a form of social organization or a result of warfare. European attitudes towards slavery were largely driven by economic motives, with a focus on using slaves for labor in colonies and plantations. Additionally, European involvement in the transatlantic slave trade contributed to the mass exploitation and dehumanization of African slaves.

How did patterns of family life and attitudes towards women differ in the northern and southern colonies?

Try doing a little bit of undergraduate research! Firstmate

The Northern Democrat position towards slavery in the election of 1860 was that?

the principle of popular sovereignty should be consistently applied in the remaining territories.

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attitudes have changed towards relationships because people have gone from sad and lonely to happy and not lonely

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Louis XIV attitudes towards other religions was that everyone should belong to the Catholic Church.