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novanet answer unlike Africans, europeans wanted the adult males for hard labor

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4d ago

African attitudes towards slavery were more diverse, with variations across different regions and cultures. Slavery in Africa was often a form of social organization or a result of warfare. European attitudes towards slavery were largely driven by economic motives, with a focus on using slaves for labor in colonies and plantations. Additionally, European involvement in the transatlantic slave trade contributed to the mass exploitation and dehumanization of African slaves.

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What is the difference between africans African-Americans and european africans?

"Africans" refer to people who are native to the continent of Africa. "African-Americans" are descendants of Africans who were captured and brought to America as slaves. "European Africans" could refer to white people who were born or live in Africa, but are of European descent.

How did Prince Henry interact with the native people?

Prince Henry the Navigator established trade partnerships and diplomatic relations with the native people in Africa during the Age of Exploration. He did not personally interact with the native people, but he sponsored expeditions and explorations that helped foster contact and exchange between European and African cultures. His efforts ultimately contributed to the expansion of European exploration and colonization in Africa.

What did Africa export besides slavery during triangular trade?

Africa exported resources such as gold, ivory, spices, and other agricultural products like palm oil and cotton during the transatlantic slave trade. These goods were highly sought after by European traders for use in European markets.

What is the relationship between Henry Stanley and the Africans?

Henry Stanley was a British explorer who famously trekked through Africa. His interactions with the Africans he encountered were often marked by colonial attitudes, exploitation, and violence. While Stanley claimed to have peaceful interactions, historians have since criticized his treatment of the native populations.

What causes conflict between the Europeans and the Africans?

Conflicts between Europeans and Africans were primarily driven by colonialism, as European powers sought to assert control over African territories for resources and trade. European expansion disrupted existing power structures, cultures, and economies in Africa, leading to tensions, resistance, and ultimately conflicts. The imposition of colonial rule, exploitation of resources, and discrimination against indigenous populations also fueled conflict between the two groups.