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Because, all of the casualties were American, on both sides.

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Q: Why did the Americans died in civil war than in other American war?
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Why do you think more Americans died in the civil war than in auy other American war?

The answer to your question is that the civil war was fought between Americans, while in other wars, they were fought between America and other countries so twice as many Americans died.

How many American were killed during the civil war?

It is estimated that the number of Americans who were killed during the Civil War were 620,000. Many more have died in other wars and conflicts.

How many Americans died in the American civil war fighting for the confedercy?


How Many African Americans Died In the Civil War?

About as much toes and fingers of 100 people.

How many native Americans died from aids in the civil war?

Zero. HIV/AIDS is thought to have originated in Africa in the early 20th century, several decades after the American Civil War, so no could possibly have died from it in the Civil War.

Why did more soldiers die before World War 2?

During the American Civil War, more than 620,000 Americans died, more than all other wars combined!

Did 7000 people die in the Civil War?

No, 620,000 people died in the American Civil War which is more than all of the other American Wars combined.

American deaths on each Beach on D-Day?

1,030 Americans died on Omaha Beach. 195 died on Utah. There were no Americans on any of the other beaches.

African Americans fought mostly for which side in the American Revolution?

African-Americans fought mostly for the patriots in the American Revolution.

How many Yankees died in the American Civil War?

Approximately 360,000 Union soldiers died during the American Civil War.

Why do you think more American died in the civil war than in any other American war?

It was pretty much exclusively fought amongst Americans. That's the nature of a civil war - a war within one's own country. So just about everyone killed on either side was an American (though there were some Europeans who fought as members either of the Union or Confederacy).

Did many people die due to total war in the Civil War?

620,000 people died in the American Civil War, which is more than all of the other American wars combined.