

Best Answer
A:The British government did not regard as binding, promises made for an independent Arab state in return for assistance in fighting the Ottoman Empire. In fact, Lord Balfour made certain commitments for establishment of a Jewish homeland within Palestine, subject to the rights of the Arabs.

By the late 1940s, Britain was tiring of the "Palestinian problem", having suffered too many casualties at the hands of the Jewish terrorist gangs. They decided to leave the problem to the United Nations to solve, and simply left the Palestinians to fend for themselves. The result was a short, one-sided civil war, followed by the Declaration of Independence by the new state of Israel.

Answer 2

In addition to what is stated in Answer 1, the British were equally tired of having to restrain Arab militants who were violently attacking Jewish settlements and forcibly evicting Jews from their dwellings. The British were tired of tryng to mediate a problem that did not look like it could be resolved. The British actually abstained from the vote on UNGA Resolution 181 (II) because it did not agree with the Partition Plan, but did not wish to militarily oppose it.

Additionally, the Palestinian Civil War of 1947-1948 (the first part of the Jewish-Arab Engagement of 1947-1949) was not a "short civil war" as it took a total of six months. Compare this to nearly every other Israeli engagement with the Arab States (1956, 1967, 1973, etc. where the conflict was a month or less).

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Q: Why did the British Government leave Palestinians to fend for themselves against the Zionists?
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