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The stamp tax was simply a means of raising money, much like any other tax.

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Q: Why did the British leaders impose the stamp act on the colonists?
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Why did Britain impose the stamp acts?

The British Soldiers protected the American colonists. King George III thought the colonists should help pay the army's cost.

Why did the colonists but a British stamp?

Every document

Who was involved in the stamp act?

British Parliament and the colonists

How was the stamp act different from other taxes Britain had impose on colonies?

It was the first direct tax levied on the colonists.

What act was not passed by the British that upset the colonists?

stamp act

What was the effects of stamp act?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was imposed on the colonists by the British. The stamps affixed to various goods raised revenue for the British. The colonists were enraged--even protested in the streets.

Why did Britain impose the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts on the colonists?

Answer: The British wanted to assert their authority on the colonies by imposing tax on all imports to American colonies.And wanted to clam dominance over the Americans.

Why did the British create a stamp tax in 1765?

The British created a tax stamp because the tax was imposed on all American colonists

What did the british think of the stamp act?

They thought it was fair to tax the colonists.

What was the results for the stamp act?

colonists did not buy any british goods

What was the common theme of the colonists against the British taxes?

Stamp tax

Why did the stamp act upset the American colonists?

Some British colonists were upset, because they were imposed a tax without their voice in the British Parliament.